
How To Optimize Images For Blogs

How To Optimize Images For Blogs

One of the key elements that attract the attention of blog visitors is images. This makes the placement and quality of images an important part of a blog post. However, while images play a crucial role in providing a visual illustration of content, they can also be a reason why visitors might leave a blog. This often happens if a blog uses numerous large images, which can significantly slow down page loading times.

The Importance of Image Optimisation

When a blog takes too long to load, particularly due to unoptimised images, it can be frustrating for visitors, especially those with slower internet connections. Even on a 4G connection, a blog with many large, unoptimised images may still feel sluggish. Ideally, images should load quickly and seamlessly as a visitor scrolls through a blog post, enhancing the user experience. To achieve this, it is essential to optimise each image used in a blog post.

Steps to Optimise Images for Blogs


Cropping involves removing unnecessary parts of an image, focusing on the main subject and discarding irrelevant background areas. Often, images sourced from the internet have extensive areas outside the main object. By cropping, you can maximise the relevance of the image while reducing its file size.


Resizing changes the dimensions of an image to make it smaller and more suitable for web use. For instance, an image taken with a high-quality digital camera might have dimensions of 2222px by 1024px. Resizing it to a more appropriate size, such as 1024px by 768px, will reduce the file size without significantly compromising quality. For blogs, even smaller dimensions may be preferable unless the image is an infographic that requires high resolution.

Changing Format

Changing the format or file type of an image can also help in optimisation. Tools like Adobe Photoshop offer a "Save for Web" option that optimises images for online use. Different file formats result in varying file sizes. For example, JPEG images typically have larger file sizes compared to PNG images, even if the visible quality appears similar. Therefore, converting images to the most appropriate format before uploading them can significantly reduce loading times. An image with minimal colours, like black, grey, and white, may be better saved as a PNG file rather than JPEG.

Compressing Images

Compressing images is another effective way to reduce file size. This can be done using graphic editor tools such as Adobe Photoshop or online compression services like TinyPNG.com. Compressing images can reduce the file size by up to 80%, which dramatically improves loading times. Online services are particularly practical and user-friendly for quick compressing needs.


Optimising images is crucial for improving the performance and user experience of your blog. By cropping, resizing, changing formats, and compressing images, you can ensure your blog loads quickly and efficiently, keeping visitors engaged. Implementing these optimisation techniques will help enhance the visual appeal of your blog while maintaining fast loading speeds.
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