
HTML Dictionary

Listed below are commonly used HTML terms for coding and their simple definition. Useful for new Website Developers and Coding Enthusiasts. 
<! - ... ->Used to provide a comment or description. Sentences located on this container will not be visible to browsers
<! DOCTYPE> Defining document type information 
<a>Defines an anchor, but is more accurate if interpreted as a link because these links are used to link from one HTML document to another HTML document 
<abbr>Used to parse an abbreviated expression and you can provide useful information to page source searchers/screen readers, translation systems and search engines that come from the abbreviations already described, but when in the description browser will not appear and for information only
<acronym>Defining the acronym/function of this tag is more or less the same as the <abbr> tag
<address>Defines contact information for the author/owner of the document
<applet>Used to insert Java files into HTML documents
<area />Define clickable areas (links) on image maps
<b>Make the text bold
<base />Defines the base/target URL for all relative URLs in the document
<basefont />Create default text attributes, such as colour, size, and font type for all text in the document
<bdo>Used to overwrite text
<big>Increases the text size by one point from its default
<blink>Makes text blink
<blockquote>Define a long quote. At the moment in the browser, the text will appear deep inside 
<body>Defines the body/content of an HTML document, and serves to determine how the content of a document is displayed in its web browser. The contents of the document can be in the form of text, images, animals, links and so on
<br />Give a new row/move the row
<button>Defines a clickable button
<caption>Create a caption on the table
<center>For central alignment of text or images 
<cite>Defining quotes
<code>Defines a piece of computer code
<col />Defines attribute values ​​from one or more columns in a table
<colgroup>Specifies groups of one or more columns in a table for performance
<dd>Defines the description of the item in the definition list
<del>To underline the text / underline text
<dfn>Defining a definition term
<dir>Define a directory listing
<div>Define a section in a document 
<dl>Define a list of definitions
<dt>Define terms (items) in the list of definitions
<em>Make the text italic. The function of this tag is the same as the <i> tag but the <em> tag is more recommended/emphasized on use for italics
<embed>Used to insert video files or music files
<fieldset>To group the related elements in the form / create a frame-box in the form
<font>Defines font types, colours and sizes for text
<form>Defines an HTML form for input form
<frame />Defining frames in fremeset
<frameset>Define a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>Used to indicate the beginning of a header/title of the HTML document.
<head>Used to provide information about the document
<hr />Make a horizontal line
<html>Defines the root of an HTML document
<i>Make the text italic
<iframe>Define an inline frame
<img />Works to display images in HTML documents
<input />Defines the input field on the form
<ins>Make the text underlined
<kbd>Defines the input text from the keyboard
<label>Defines a label for an <input> element
<legend>Defines a caption for the <fieldset> element
<li>Used to display information in the form of list items 
<link />Defines the relationship between a document and its external sources
<listing>The function of this tag is the same as the <pre> tag and it is recommended to use the <pre> tag because the <listing> tag is not eligible / protested
<map>Define client-side image maps
<marquee> Make the text run vertically or horizontally
<menu>Define a menu list
<meta />Defines metadata about an HTML document
<nobr>Prevents replacing lines in text or images
<noframes>If the user's browser does not support frames
<noscript>If the user's browser does not support client-side scripts
<object>put embed an object
<ol>Defines the list in numbering format
<optgroup>Displays some pre-grouped options in the form of a drop-down list
<option>Displays several options in the form of a drop-down list
<p>Make a paragraph
<param />Defines a parameter for an object
<pre>Create text with the same font size
<q>Define a short quote
<s>To underline text / underline text, this tag function is the same as the <del> tag but the <s> tag is not recommended instead use the <del> tag.
<samp>Define examples of output from computer programs
<script>Define client-side script
<select>Create a drop-down list
<small>Decreases text size from its default size
<span>Define a section in a document 
<strike>To underline text / underline text, this tag function is the same as the <del> tag
<strong>Creating bold text, this tag functions the same as the <b> tag
<style>Defines style information for HTML documents
<sub>Provides a subscript effect on the text
<sup>Provides a superscript effect on the text
<table>Create a table
<tbody>To group the body contents in a table
<td>Defines cells in a table
<textarea>Defining a multiline input control
<tfoot>To group the contents of a footer in a table
<th>Defines the header cells in a table
<thead>To group the contents of the header in a table
<title>Create a title for the HTML document
<tr>Create a row in a table
<tt>Defining teletype text
<u>Creating underlined text, this tag function is the same as the <ins> tag but the <u> tag is not recommended for HTML text formatting categories but includes HTML Style categories
<ul>Defines the list in bullet format
<var>Defining a variable
<xmp>Defining preformatted text, this tag functions the same as the <pre> tag

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